ALK-Abelló is ranked 3rd in the multispecialist “Best Pharmaceutical Companies Germany” 2022 ranking in the category “Large Individual, Medium-sized and International Companies”. In Pharma Trend, ALK-Abelló has long been one of the leading companies among allergists in the treatment of the most important allergies. Infectopharm placed 1st and Gedeon Richter 2nd in the ranking this year.
ALK-Abelló: Pioneer in hyposensitisation
Since 1949, Allergological Laboratory Copenhagen (ALK) has manufactured products for diagnostics and “hyposensitisation” (specific immunotherapy, SIT) for the most important allergies. ALK merged with its Spanish competitor Abelló in 1992 to form what is now a world leader in allergy treatment. Headquartered in Hørsholm, Denmark, ALK-Abelló is present in 38 countries around the world with around 2,600 employees and subsidiaries, production facilities and distributors. The listed company achieved a turnover of around 526 million euros in 2021 (+ 12% compared to the previous year). ALK has the Danish Lundbeck Industrial Foundation as its main shareholder.
The approximately 130 employees of ALK-Abelló Arzneimittel GmbH, based in Hamburg, contributed 85.1 million euros to the 2021 turnover. ALK-Abelló invested around 85 million euros in research and development in 2021, or 16.2% of sales.
ALK-Abelló introduced worldwide innovations in the field of SIT: 1978 the first standardised subcutaneous immunotherapy, 1990 the first sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) with drops, 2006 in Europe the first SLIT tablet (Grazax® for hay fever). Tablets against mite allergies (Acarizax®), ragweed allergies (Ragwizax®) and tree pollen allergies (Itulazax®) followed. Acarizax® against house dust mite allergy was voted the most innovative product in 2016 by allergists.
ALK-Abelló has signed cooperation agreements with other companies in various countries, e.g. with Torii, Abbott and Seqirus regarding the marketing of the sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablet in Japan, Russia and Southeast Asia as well as Australia and New Zealand.
The company’s strategic focus today is on four goals: Completing and marketing the tablet portfolio against the “Big Five” allergies (dust mites, grasses, tree pollen, ragweed, Japanese cedar) and their approval for all age groups; engagement in the US market; patient engagement (e.g. klarify allergy app); optimising production and adapting to regulatory requirements.
Under the new name ALK (2008, the legal name remained ALK-Abelló), the company publishes an annual sustainability report on its progress in working conditions, access to medicines, climate and environmental protection and ethical business practices. CO2 emissions from production could be reduced by 42% in 2021 compared to 2019.
Multiple awards for ALK-Abelló for innovation
In Pharma Trend, ALK-Abelló has long been one of the notable names in hyposensitisation among allergists. Since the start of the Pharma Trend benchmark study in 2000, ALK-Abelló has received the award “Most Innovative Product” in the Rx category several times, first for the hay fever sublingual tablet Grazax® in 2007 and 2008, followed in 2016 by Acarizax® for house dust mite allergy and in 2020 by Itulazax® , the tablet for the treatment of tree pollen allergies.
Awards for innovation & sustainability since 2000:
- Grazax® (2008-2007)
- Acarizax® (2016)
- Itulazax® (2020)