On the heels of divisive and dangerous ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bills targeting LGBTQ+ individuals and families in Florida, Ohio and other states and as LGBTQ+ Pride seasons kick off, AHF will take part in a dozen Prides and parades nationwide, with messaging that #We Stand United and must #StandAgainstHate
Since 2021, 42 states have considered a minimum of 280 bills—including Florida’s notorious ‘Don’t’ Say Gay’ bill—that negatively affect over 59 million young people across the nation
LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#StandAgainstHate–After a turbulent spring filled with hateful, homophobic legislation and grandstanding by opportunistic politicians leveraging wedge issues to demonize and target LGBTQ+ youth, families and individuals, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is stepping up and out into LGBTQ+ Pride season by taking part in a dozen or more Pride celebrations and parades nationwide.
At these Pride events, which run from now through October, AHF is branding its parade contingents and booths with messages that include #WeStandUnited, and in cities and states where there may be active legislation in effect or pending that targets young people, LQBTQ+ people and/or their families, AHF’s messaging also proclaims that we must #StandAgainstHate!
“Since 2021, 42 states have considered a minimum of 280 bills that negatively affect over 59 million young people across the nation1.” This citation is from a new policy position paper (“Don’t Say Gay”: New Bills Will Negatively Affect Health Outcomes for LGBTQ Youth) released by AHF in May documenting the real harm such legislation is having on the physical and mental health of LGBTQ youth as well as negative effects on their education. AHF’s “We Stand United” and “Stand Against Hate” Pride campaign and messaging seeks to actively counter much of the hate-fueled legislation and invective poisoning American airwaves and culture today.
AHF to Share FREE #WeStandUnited and #StandAgainstHate Materials with Community Partners
As part of this national Pride campaign, AHF created “We Stand United” and “Stand Against Hate” tee shirts, banners, lawn signs, a mobile billboard graphic etc. and is now actively recruiting community partners from Pride cities nationwide—non-profit LGBTQ+ groups, women’s groups, other affinity groups and organizations—to spread the messages of these two powerful calls to action. Community group leaders wanting information on obtaining some of these FREE materials, please click here: (We Stand United/Stand Against Hate free campaign materials)
AHF is participating in three Prides this weekend: CLEVELAND (6/4), DALLAS (6/5) and WEST HOLLYWOOD (6/5):
AHF’s CLEVELAND Pride & Parade marching contingent |
Saturday, June 4, 2022, Parade Steps Off @ 12:00 pm (Noon) |
CLEVELAND PRIDE PARADE, Malls B & C off Lakeside Avenue |
WHO: |
45 AHF mobilizers and advocates with placards reading: ‘Stand Against Hate’ and ‘We Stand United’ |
AHF MEDIA CONTACT: Tonya Thurman, AHF Advocacy +1.614.223.1532 cell latonya.thurman@ahf.org |
AHF’s DALLAS Pride Parade marching contingent |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, Parade Steps Off @ 2:00 pm |
DALLAS PRIDE PARADE, Coliseum to Hall of State, Fair Park |
WHO: |
45 AHF mobilizers and advocates with placards reading: ‘Stand Against Hate’ and ‘We Stand United’ |
AHF MEDIA CONTACT: Dan McKenzie, AHF Engagement +1.310.740.4542 cell dan.mckenzie@ahf.org |
AHF’s WEHO Pride Parade float and marching contingent |
Sunday, June 5, 2022, Parade Steps Off @ 12:00 pm (Noon) |
WEST HOLLYWOOD PRIDE PARADE, Santa Monica Blvd. & Crescent Heights |
WHO: |
75 AHF mobilizers and advocates with placards reading: ‘We Stand United’ |
AHF MEDIA CONTACT: Ged Kenslea, AHF Communications +1.323.791.5526 cell ged.kenslea@ahf.org |
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, currently provides medical care and/or services to over 1.6 million individuals in 45 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region and Eastern Europe. To learn more about AHF, please visit our website: www.aidshealth.org, find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/aidshealth and follow us @aidshealthcare.
1 Farmer R. (16 March 2022). New Map Analysis: 80% of Youth Live in States that Considered Curriculum Censorship and Hostile School Climate Bills in 2020-2021. Movement Advancement Project. Available online: https://www.lgbtmap.org/2022-release-schools-bills-report
Ged Kenslea, Senior Director, Communications, AHF +1.323.791.5526 cell ged.kenslea@ahf.org
Lauren Hogan, Associate Director, Communications, AHF +1.310.940.0802 cell lauren.hogan@ashf.org
Imara Canady, National Director, Communications and Community Engagement, AHF +1.770.940.6555 mobile imara.canady@ahf.org