Pharma Trend is the benchmark study of innovation and sustainability in pharmaceutical companies. The survey has been carried out on behalf of the journal PharmaBarometer annually in the category Rx by doctors in Germany since the year 2000 and in the categories OTC, Orphan Drugs since 2018 and additionally in the category Specialty Care since 2019. Through the questioning of doctors, pharmacists and patients, it forms the basis for the awards “The Golden Tablet®” and “Most Innovative Product®” as well as the ranking “Pharma Trend® Germany Best Pharmaceutical Companies”. In 2021 the study was expanded to include the categories “Diagnostics” and “Digital Health”. With the expansion of the Pharma Trend, pharmaceutical companies are being evaluated on innovation and sustainability by their most important stakeholders (doctors, pharmacists and patients).
Since the Pharma Trend benchmark study began 22 years ago, over 190 products in ranks 1 to 3 have received the “Most Innovative Product®” award. Many of them have become the leading drugs in Germany. Receiving the “Most Innovative Product®” award is now an indicator of economic success.
The benchmark study Pharma Trend asks the opinions of 100 doctors/pharmacists per specialist group and 600 patients in OTC. This sample size has proved sufficient, as the results begin to stabilize after about 80 respondents. The Pharma Trend is specific to each discipline and indication and has been conducted online since 2014. The representativeness of the panel survey is monitored by the renowned international market research firm Harris Interactive, which has been commissioned to conduct the study for many years. The standardized questionnaire is protected from any influence by users of the survey report. The questionnaire is standardized to allow a comparison of the survey results across years and countries. The survey is independent as it is implemented only if ordered by several pharmaceutical companies. The Pharma Trend survey is commissioned by the Eurecon publishers. Suggestions for the awards “The Golden Tablet” and “The Most Innovative Product” are elicited through an open-ended question.
The study is financed from orders for the survey report and for communication services as well as from the sale of the right to use the awards “The Golden Tablet” and “Most Innovative Product” and “Pharma Trend Germany Best Pharmaceutical-Companies”.
Pharma Trend
Since the beginning of the Pharma Trend Germany survey in 2000, doctors in 18 disciplines have been surveyed: allergologist, general practitioners, dermatologists, diabetologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists, otolaryngologists, cardiologists, neurologists & psychiatrists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, pediatricians, pneumologists, pain therapists and urologists. Pharma Trend thus focuses on the disciplines that relate to the most common illnesses: heart/circulatory problems, diabetes, central nervous system issues, oncology, and infection.
In the OTC category, the Pharma Trend survey identifies the most innovative products with respect to a medical indication and determines the winner of the award „Most Innovative Product”. The survey primarily addresses pharmacists and patients. In the category Orphan Drugs / Specialty Care, the Pharma Trend survey identifies the most innovative products for an indication in the category of rare diseases and Specialty Care and grants the “Most Innovative Product®” award. The survey mainly addresses clinicians and practitioners. In addition, the winners of the company award “The Golden Tablet” will be determined in the categories Rx, OTC, Orphan Drugs and Specialty Care and Pharma Trend offers pharmaceutical companies a benchmark of their company against 4 other pharmaceutical companies.
Pharma Trend Ranking
Since 2016, the ranking of pharmaceutical companies for the categories “Research-based, globally leading pharmaceutical companies in terms of turnover” and “Large individual, medium-sized and international companies” has been created. The ranking is based on the holistic medical professionals’ evaluation of the pharmaceutical companies concerning the following aspects: quality of marketing and sales, quality of products and services, innovativeness, efficiency, transparency, accountability, ethical behavior, management quality and commercial success. At the same time, the respondents rate the companies according to reputation based on the criteria of overall impact, competence, reliability, credibility and recommendation. The ranking is calculated according to the importance of the 11 individual aspects for reputation using a statistical regression. It reliably reflects the detailed company assessment by doctors and pharmacists without being subject to arbitrary bias.
Pharma Trend Europe Big5
In 2003, the first Pharma Trend Europe survey was carried out in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK (the Big5). The benchmark study is based on the Pharma Trend questionnaire, which has been applied in Germany for many years. 100 doctors are surveyed per discipline and per country. The benchmark study Pharma Trend Europe Big 5 determines the winners of the awards, “The Golden Tablet” and “Most Innovative Product”.
Pharma Trend Leap Innovation
In the category of Leap Innovation, companies can apply for the award “Most Innovative Product”, whose business basis is the development of nucleic acid-based drugs and meet the European SME criteria.
The application is made by submitting a max. 3-page project description to BioM. Winners in ranks 1-3 will be determined with the involvement of reviewers who were involved in the two funding programs mentioned above. Evaluation criteria are primarily level of innovation, originality and application potential.
The award wins are endowed with communication services worth around € 20,000 (1st place) and € 10,000 (places 2 + 3).
The closing date for applications is August 5, 2022.
Award Ceremony Pharma Trend Image & Innovation Award
In 2022, at the 23nd Pharma Trend Image & Innovation Award, the winners of the rankings “Pharma Trend Germany Best Pharmaceutical-Companies” will be announced with the awards “The Golden Tablet” and “Most Innovative Product” on September 13, 2022. The award ceremony takes place as a hybrid event at the Deutsches Museum in Munich – for the first time in the newly opened Center for New Technologies (ZNT), with guests on site as well as doctors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland who are live, as well as video interviews with the award winners in Germany and neighboring countries in Europe. The event is moderated by TV presenter Tamara Sedmak (Sat 1, n-tv, N24), who has already led through the award ceremony in previous years.
For many years the award ceremony has been under the patronage of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care with ceremonial speeches including by Klaus Holetschek and Dr. Markus Söder and Dr. Martin Zentgraf (BPI), Birgit Fischer (vfa) and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Leisinger (Global Values Alliance Foundation).