InfectoPharm is honoured for the 20th time for innovation and sustainability with the award “The Golden Tablet” of the paediatricians. In the multispecialist ranking “Best Pharmaceutical Companies Germany” 2022 in the category “Large individual, medium-sized and international companies”, InfectoPharm 2022 is in first place, followed by Gedeon Richter and ALK-Abelló.
With 52% of the votes, InfectoPharm wins “The Golden Tablet” this year for the 20th time. This means that the medium-sized company based in Heppenheim in southern Hesse is continuing its winning streak for the innovation and sustainability award, which has only been interrupted once (by BioNTech 2021). As the most important criteria for their choice, the paediatricians named the offer for further education and training by 57% and the quality of the products by 43%. The number of innovations was particularly important for 32% of the respondents, the breadth of the product range for 27% and the focus on therapeutic areas for 21%.
InfectoPharm is also in first place in the multispecialist “Best Pharmaceutical Companies Germany” 2022 ranking in the category “Large individual, medium-sized and international companies”. Gedeon Richter takes second place here, followed by ALK-Abelló in third place. Exeltis comes in fourth and Procter & Gamble in fifth.
InfectoPharm – Award for Innovation and Sustainability in Paediatrics
InfectoPharm Arzneimittel und Consilium GmbH is a German family-run pharmaceutical company founded in 1988 that specialises in the production and distribution of medicines for children and adults as well as further training for doctors, pharmacists and midwives. A special focus is on infectious, respiratory and skin diseases.
Infectopharm began in the 1990s with the further development of antibiotics for children and was intensively involved in paediatric infectiology. Over the years, the company has broadened its range and today offers products and services in the fields of paediatrics, clinical medicine, dermatology, pneumology, ear, nose and throat medicine and geriatrics. InfectoPharm is the market leader in Germany in the field of paediatrics.
The concept without a sales force, but with its own scientific service Consilium, has proven itself. Consilium, the service for medical professionals, organises certified training courses for various disciplines, expert-supported medical advice and, based on this, a high-quality scientific publication service – product-neutral and free of charge for members of medical professionals (guiding principle: “Knowledge works”).
Subsidiaries of InfectoPharm are Pädia GmbH, which develops preparations for children for self-medication, and since 2020 the chemical-pharmaceutical factory Paul W. Beyvers GmbH, Berlin as the first “in-house” production company.
InfectoPharm employs around 240 people at its headquarters in Heppenheim, 106 in Berlin and 27 in its branches in Vienna and Milan. 60% of the employees are women, the part-time rate is 35%.
Turnover in 2021 was around 200 million euros, with annual growth of 10-15%. InfectoPharm’s portfolio includes over 130 products, 77 of which are prescription medicines. Recent innovations at InfectoPharm are Slenyto® for autism spectrum disorders) and spermidineLIFE® for autophagy activation. While Europe was the main focus of activities in the last five years, InfectoPharm is now increasingly registering outside the EU.
What counts are quality, training and further education, a broad product range and the focus
The awards, which have been presented since 2000, stand for the innovative strength and sustainability of pharmaceutical companies and the progress and benefits of new medicinal products as evaluated by users. This year, the group of paediatricians honoured InfectoPharm with the award “The Golden Tablet” for the 20th time. For the paediatricians, the decisive factor for the award was first and foremost the convincing offer of further training and education, which was praised by 79% of the respondents. Furthermore, the quality of the products (44%), the breadth of the product range (38%) as well as the service offer for the practice and the focus on therapeutic areas (23% each) were particularly emphasised.
Multiple awards for InfectoPharm for innovation and sustainability
InfectoPharm has already received the award “The Golden Tablet” for innovation and sustainability for the 20th time. For the first time, InfectoPharm received the award “The most innovative product” in the Rx category in 2011 for InfectoDexaKrupp®, in 2018 for Scabioral®, in 2019 for Slenyto® and this year with spermidineLIFE® for the first time also in the OTC category.
Awards for innovation and sustainability since 2000:
- The Golden Tablet (2022, 2020 – 2002)
- InfectoDexaKrupp® (2012 + 2011)
- Scabioral® (2018)
- Slenyto® (2020 + 2019)
- spermidineLIFE® (2020)